Measuring Success: KPIs and Metrics for Evaluating Conversational AI Chatbots
Are you thinking about AI Chabot integration to your website to improve your customer care, enhance the availability of online support, or get to know your audience better? Companies all over the world have seen trends evolve and while user expectations have changed, performance metrics have remained quite constant.
Self-service is also
known as the deflection rate. It measures the number of users who had a
conversation with the AI and did not continue chatting with customer service
agents. This also determines the number of users that had conversations with
the AI. This can determine the number of chats that the AI handled on its own
and that your customer service agents did not have to. This helps to free up
your agents to handle other issues and shows a clear measurable automation rate
of the smart AI chatbot.
Cost saved with conversational AI
Your average cost in USD to solve one customer chat session is multiplied by the total number of self-served chats by the AI. This metric shows that the savings come from using conversational marketing platforms without which this cost would have been spent on human labor to answer FAQs. This not only saves the agent’s time but is spent on solving more challenging and complex problems which in turn can boost efficiency.
When it comes to the
percentage to the number of positive feedback with AI for each conversation,
customers can leave positive thumbs up feedback or negative thumbs down
feedback. Based on this user AI
chatbot conversation, the AI gets its feedback, which is then totaled
to get the number of positive customer feedback. The more positive feedback,
the higher the rating the customers have with the AI which is clearly defined
and measured directly on how customers have rated each solution. While most companies
did not originally need AI to develop optical customer relationships or
customer journeys, it has helped improve the entire process.
These different KPIs
are sufficient to evaluate the ROI and the added value of your chatbot according
to your initial goals. A regular monitoring will help you improve the
effectiveness of the solution. However, these KPIs should not be the only
metrics taken into consideration when evaluating the overall impact of the
solution. Companies are now correlating these metrics with their pre-chatbot
indicators which can help generate more conversation than before. This can help
improve your return on investment in the long run and bring in more customers
along with allowing you to boost your brand loyalty and status.
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